Tag Archives: apron

Capped And Aproned…

This Kachoris-and-Sabji seller set up his business recently near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station in August 2017.

  1. Capped and aproned, with prices clearly and proudly displayed on a small board next to him, he serves his stuff from a clean, specially designed cupboard; very much like a McDonald’s employee. If you look around here closely, you will notice that no other hawker is as obviously fussy about cleanliness and style as he is. His stall seems to be like a little lotus in the middle of a murky pond. His shop is right outside a busy bus terminal and he is surrounded by autos, gramin seva minis, and e-rickshaws; a Sulabh toilet; and other street vendors. He is, I think, the first street food hawker in this area who has responded positively to the challenges of rising living standards and higher expectations of the general public. By setting himself apart and walking the extra mile, he has already ensured that he stays ahead of competition.

A lot of health-conscious people like me who don’t normally trust street food might be tempted to try out his kachoris on their way to work during morning hours.

Congratulations, dear Bro, and best of luck!

Copyright: Jasbir Chatterjee