Love At First Sight

For the birds, everything is as real as ever. Yes, even love…

Virtual interactions and social distancing is meant for humans only.

And no love story is complete without a third element, the third point in a triangle. Well, here is the second photo…Just for you, dear Readers…

A Day out, Post Corona

On 13 May 2020, my husband Sukhangshu and I stepped out after several days of self-isolation to purchase some essentials. We had to walk all the way through as public transport was not available.

To our great surprise, however, our long walk turned into a feast for our eyes as the Gulmohur and Amaltas trees lining the roads were all ablaze with their orange and yellow blossoms and the fallen, slightly withered flowers formed lovely carpets on the dusty ground below.

Though this is a normal annual phenomenon in Delhi, it had a special significance for us this time. With so much uncertainty because of the coronavirus pandemic, it felt great to be around to witness it.

Here are the pics. Thanks to Google photos, they have been stringed together in a movie too. Click here to see it.

Naughty crow! Not ready to go home yet! See below.

Gulmohur flowers below in full blossom….

Amaltas fantasies…See below.

Flower carpets with empty benches, thanks to Corona…

White Champa (Frangipani) flowers…

Birds In Air – Photography Stunts

There is nothing I enjoy more than clicking photos of birds while they are in motion or just about to leap in air. It gives me the chance to immortalize them in a fully charged state, suspended in air with wings stretched. That’s the image we humans associate with being a free bird, don’t we? Looking at these photos again and again kind of fulfills a need to be completely free amid our gloomy lockdown. Given below are some of them.

You must have perhaps noticed that most of the photos have a common setting, almost like a stage. Well, this is as Shakespeare said, “All the world’s a stage. And all the men and women merely players; they have their exits and entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts…”

This pic below has been extracted from a video.

Romeo And Juliet, Post Corona

In post Corona era, the world around us has suddenly become cleaner, more beautiful and colorful. But for us humans, that’s only the outward sheen because death in the form of Coronavirus lurks everywhere.

With so many restrictions in place, uncertainty in the air, hospitals bursting to its seams, unable to take any more, dead bodies waiting for hours to be freed from the living world, we feel fettered and colors bring little joy.

So Romeos and Juliets will have to content themselves with romancing in black and white settings with face masks on till this calamity dies down.