Tag Archives: bird-watching

A Peacock’s Return Gift

The sparrows have disappeared in Vikaspuri, New Delhi. We now see more of peacocks, crows, and pigeons.

On 11 October 2020 a Sunday, my weekly off, I was fortunate to find three fully formed peacock feathers on my terrace. I now have 6 of them in my drawing room. Peacock feathers are considered auspicious, as they bring prosperity and wealth.

The weather is changing again in Delhi. Winter will be here very soon. Peacocks are now out of their mating season, it seems, and are dropping their feathers wherever they move around.

I make it a point to leave a bowl of drinking water and some bread crumbs for them every morning and this is their way, I believe, of expressing their love and gratitude for my efforts.

Staying Together, A poem

Inspired from this pic I clicked on 18 June 2020, I wrote a poem. Read it below…

Staying Together

You may forget me, dearest,
And I may forget you too.
Our children, friends
Have all slinked away
And we’re the only ones
But don’t you worry, dearest.

We’re going to stay.
And together
Grow old, dearest.
Through torrid rain,
Glaring sunshine,
And the chilling winter.

Till death pulls us apart…

Love At First Sight

For the birds, everything is as real as ever. Yes, even love…

Virtual interactions and social distancing is meant for humans only.

And no love story is complete without a third element, the third point in a triangle. Well, here is the second photo…Just for you, dear Readers…