Summer Yellows

Summer has already planted its foot at Delhi’s doorstep…Dark, cloudy days are gone and bright, sunny days are here…

Just look around you and you will see bright colors, especially yellows everywhere…Perhaps this is one reason why our festival Baisakhi celebrated every year on 14 April is also associated with the color yellow…

And inspired by this post, here’s good old me with a patch of yellow…

So, dear Friends, take out your yellows; paint the town yellow and enjoy the hot, sunny days ahead…

Cauliflower Stem Pakoras

Cauliflower is a much-loved vegetable. Most people use only its florets in cooking and discard the hard stem (danthals, as they are known in Hindi) as it does not soften very easily and has thick fibers that are difficult to digest.

In summer, however, when prices of vegetables start skyrocketing, you need to ensure that every bit of the vegetables that you buy is utilized. That’s the time when you need to be able to use the danthals as well.

My recent experiment with making gobhi ganthal pakoras met with great success and I was pleasantly surprised to find them so wonderfully delicious. I reallh wonder why they are not as well-known as they deserve to be. It gives me great pleasure to share the recipe with you today.

Here are the step-by-step pics.

Wash the danthals thoroughly.

Place the cleaned pieces in a vessel. Cut them into smaller pieces and remove the hard parts and fibers.

Grind these in a mixie. Add some water , if required.

Take out the paste and put it in a vessel.

Add to it some besan (chana dal flour), ajwain, hing, red chilli powder, garam masala, amchur, and salt according to taste.

Mix well.

Scoop out portions of this batter with a tablespoon and deep fry these in hot oil in a karahi.

As soon as they turn brown all over, take them out and place them on tissue paper to remove excess oil.

Gobhi danthal pakoras are ready now. Enjoy them with a dip of your choice.

You can use them further as dahi wadas or koftas…

Happy eating!☺️