Tag Archives: #renamingofcities

Haiderpur Forever

Haiderpur metro station, recently renamed as Haiderpur Badli Mor metro station; photo source: Google

In Northwest Delhi, there is an ancient place from the Mughul era called Haiderpur. Its ruler, no prize for guessing, was King Mohammad Haider. Thanks to rapid urbanization, Haiderpur is no longer a sleepy village. Now it has a metro station too by the name of Haiderpur, recently changed to Haiderpur Badli. But that’s not the reason why it is special.

The special part is that Haiderpur is still Haiderpur, not Amritpur for example! It has survived, despite the anti-Muslim renaming frenzy that has gripped our country now.

Mughul Garden at Presidential Estate, Delhi, is now Amrit Udyan. In Delhi University, Mughal Garden has become Gautam Buddha Centenary Garden. As per the latest reports, many cities in UP, such as Aligarh, Farukkabad, Sultanpur, etc will also be re-christened soon.

What is so disturbing about all this renaming? A rose by any other name would still smell the same, after all, wouldn’t it? Well, it reflects hatred, intolerance, and phobia and goes against all those ideals our great country India stands for. Renaming places serves no purpose, as far as common people are concerned, especially those who don’t know where their next meal will come from.