Tag Archives: Metro

A Child Salesman

When children work for their daily bread, they inevitably lose their child-like innocence and spontaneity, don’t they?

On 31 March 2019, however, on my way home from work in the Delhi Metro, I was happy to find an exception. See the photo below.

This child worked and played at the same time. He was cool and confident while selling children’s puzzle books and toys. He didn’t sound desperate, and he managed to make some quick sales within those 30 minutes he spent inside the Metro’s ladies’ compartment.

While the girls looked at all the different options available and tried to make a choice, the boy swinged himself in a carefree manner on the metro railings on top. Just like any other normal child free to dream and play whenever he wanted.

May God bless this kid. I hope and pray that he grows up to be a successful and happy adult…

Here are some more pics…

On The Fringe Of Humanity…

What’s wrong with this man with his shoes taken off in a Metro train? Well, not much, on first look.

He appears to be just one of those overworked, ordinary middle-class employees of a private sector organization. This was what I thought too.

But as soon as I settled down on a seat opposite to him, I noticed that he was talking very loudly to himself. I thought he was praying or perhaps he was speaking to someone through a Bluetooth device.

It soon became clear to me, however that he was doing none of these and he had a serious mental problem. He was ranting and cursing everyone, his family, friends, everyone he knew, this country, and even God! Over and over, he kept repeating the same lines which overflowed with venom and hatred for everything in life. He kept saying that he hoped this world ends soon in a nuclear blast and he gets to die like a dog with his body torn into shreds! Even God would want to commit suicide, he kept reiterating. Once in a while, he bent downwards to scratch his toes protruding through his torn socks.

I was horrified and I wondered how people sitting next to him managed to ignore him. See below.

His clothes were clean and well-ironed and he seemed to be from a good family. His choice of words indicated that he was well-educated and read newspapers regularly. What were those circumstances that unhinged him to such a great extent? I could not gather this from what he was saying.

I pitied him, but I could not do anything about it. Unable to put up with him any longer, I moved to another seat far away from him.

But it was clearer to me now what kind of people hurl themselves on the Metro rail tracks.

Delhi Metro, I hope you are reading this. Please keep a close eye on this man and if ever required, save him from himself…

The World Beyond

My latest poem on Poemhunter.com today, ‘The World Beyond’ is inspired from my pics given below. Click here and read on.


A Pretty Tattoo

 I have a strong dislike for permanent tattoos. The pain and bleeding that people undergo while getting themselves tattoed is, I feel, completely unnecessary. It sounds like vandalizing a perfect work of art. 

I have often seen people impulsively making strong, indelible statements through tattoos and regretting them later. Sometimes tattoos have grammatical errors too. See here: https://jasbirchatterjeephotoblog.wordpress.com/2016/05/12/tattoo-english/

But yesterday, on 16 June 2017, I came across one tattoo (see pic above) which completely bowled me over by its beauty, simplicity, and profound meaning. It has just one word, ‘Musafir,’ written in Hindi, meaning traveller, but its significance carries the weight of thousands of words and emotions put together… It reminded me of my short story “A Fellow Traveller” which got published in a stories website. 

Read it here. https://worldcitystories.wordpress.com/2015/08/19/the-fellow-traveller/

So, I guess, tattoos are not such an evil thing, after all!

Copyright Jasbir Chatterjee

Jago, Grahak, Jago…

Jago, Grahak Jago…(meaning in Hindi, “Wake up, Customer, wake up…”)


Recently, my husband Sukhangshu bagged a major role in Badalav, a short Youtube film by Ministry of Consumer Affairs on this subject. It made me feel very proud…Click here…https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=share&v=RYVbeqrJBxg